Mr. Bills Welcomes You

Mr. Bills is a place where I try to find and share some unique and interesting discoveries from the cyber world. I’m so glad you stopped in for a visit. We have stuff you may have seen before as well as some New Stuff that hasn’t been seen before.

What or Who is Mr. Bills

Mr. Bills is the website of a retired Computer Programmer. Rather a designer and developer of Oracle database Information Systems for 30 years. I remember when computers were those things that you had to have on a desk. They had large monitors and were connected to a main frame housed on an entirely different floor because of their size. Now the laptop you maybe using has more computing power then that main frame I once did my programming on. I remember when the cell phone weighed 10 or more pounds and cost around 4 grand and all you could do was make a phone call if you were in the right spot.

Mr. Bills picture

I am now 70 and embarking on a second career, I am an online Marketer as a means to supplement my Social Security retirement. A means to give me some extra spending cash. The community I am involved with is a great group of people. I am assisted when I need it in my endeavor to become a success at this. Marketing is a skill to be learned and with their help surely I can learn to be a Marketer.

Motivated Marketers

We are a motivated group of Marketers using a Performance Blogging System or PBS. It enables us to market some unique and amazing products. That are of great benefit to everyone’s health, well-being, and livelihood. I used the term group when it is actually a community of givers. We get to share these amazing products and services through this incredible instrument called the internet.

That’s what it’s all about when you get right down to it. If we are selfish and keep all this good stuff to ourselves; those that don’t know about it will possibly never know and that just isn’t right. Knowledge is an asset for the masses and not the few that is the way we see it. This is a way for me, and you if you choose, to earn from your home. We can get you started on your way to making the extra you want simply clicking here to find out.

What is PBS Marketing

Marketing is informing the public about a product or service. Using many means such as television, cell phones, word of mouth, texts, etc. I remember when it was done only by newspaper, television and word of mouth back in the olden days. Our mentor Mr. Rory Ricord says “nothing sells itself”. The term “sells” may imply we carry inventory, take orders, and ship products. This is not the case we market the products and services and receive a commission for the service we provide.

If you have ever considered a work from home position. That can earn you litterialy as much as you want to make. This is the opportunity you need to check into. The PBS marketing opportunity is a system, not a suggestion, where the earning potential is based on your efforts. Your earnings are only limited by the amount of work you are willing to put into it.

Look Around

The categories listed on the left margin of this page. Provide a road map to the types of products and services offered on my site. You are more than welcome to look around. Check things out and browse to your hearts content because it cost you nothing to look around, NADA.

You may want to bookmark this site as we are adding things often. As things in the cyber world are found that maybe of use they are placed on this site.