EMF Protection

When it involves Electromagnetic Force protection or EMF protection; we all have a shared truth that it’s better to be shielded from it, than to not be. It stands to reason that a device that can transfer voice, data, and large sizes of files comes with a downside. These Electromagnetic Fields or Forces of energy are piercing our bodies, our brains, and our organs. It happens without our even knowing about it. Protection from this harmful radiation, whenever and wherever we can is a no-brainer.

The human body our nervous system, brain, and our organs all work by way of electric signals. Existing research has determined that the natural frequency of a human body standing is 7.5 Hz and sitting is 4-6 Hz. This may sound like science fiction. The electric impulses that give us our “Life Force” is being interfered with by EMF, Electromagnetic Fields. Generated by all the modern technology around us. We need to Tuün™ Out EMF so our bodies can operate at a natural frequency.

We have discovered these incredible and affordable solutions. These solutions are some must-haves. The Bio Arc Discs are applicable for all types of uses. The small ones can be stuck to the back of your Mobile Phones or laptop computers.

Why do we need protection?

The Increased levels of EMF caused by the use of today’s devices such as cell phones, routers, 5G cell towers just to name a few. The type of RADIATION emitted from these devices may cause a variety of symptoms. These can include the following:

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • restlessness and anxiety

None in this list sound or feel all that good. This only makes the use of protection for ourselves even cleaner.

Harmful EMF

We live in an age where our high-tech devices are with us every day and night. Anyone who lives in a 1st world country be it, man, woman or child has their own cell phone. Many own tablets, laptops, PCs, radios, and televisions, all these devices emit harmful EMF. The abundance of these modern devices produces an unbelievable amount of EMF and that can’t be friendly to our bodies. Protecting ourselves from this invisible form of harmful radiation is a must. Because as our need and want of high tech at our finger tips is only going to make the situation worse. This may be your house, your office, or even your car. This company has products to improve ambient radiation at a wide pricing range.

Where Does It Come From

Our need and want to have the latest and greatest gadgets could possibly be putting our very health and lives at risk. There are some EMF producing devices that are life saving and these are much needed. We use electroshock to put our hearts back into rhythm. Radiation is used to treat cancers. Nuclear radiation, used in Nuclear powerplants, is also a source of EMF. These are but a few examples of what is know as High Risk electromagnetic fields.

Another form of EMF radiation is Low risk and this type is more in use. This form of EMF radiation can be found in any home or office. WiFi routers, cellphones, programmable appliances, microwaves, and even light bulbs emit an electromagnetic field, EMF. The sun our source of warmth and natural light produces EMF in the form of UV rays. Skin cancer and sunburns occur with spending too much time in the sun. Powerlines bringing electricity to our homes and office emit the biggest sources of low-risk electromagnetic fields, the bigger the powerline the more EMF. Again, to be clear EMF is emitted by anything using electricity or transporting that electricity.

electromagnetic field

Through the Use of EMF Protection Gain Benefits from Nutrition and Bio-Hacking Science:

I am sure you have at times felt just a bit off balance and couldn’t nail down exactly why? I know I’ve had times like that. It seems that there are many reasons for your fatigue, brain fog, or irritability. Well, you can stop trying to figure out the way because the solution is right here. I am a big believer in using Natural Products to find an answer to everyday issues. Natural Products that are made the right way. To that end, I would like for you to go check out a group of products I call the TRIFECTA EFFECT. These three products are undoubtedly the best on the market. Through taking all Three together believe me your life will surely change. This change is not an overnight change, it takes time for the products to do their work. Any product that tells you it will change you overnight is only going to change one thing, the amount of money in your pocket. Go Here To See What I’m Ravening about. I am sure they will change your life for the better because they have changed my life completely.